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When you are struggling with debts, our lawyers can help you get a fresh
start while protecting your most valuable assets.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: A Financial Fresh Start in Ohio

If you have been unable to pay your bills and cannot see your way out from under your debt, Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be a wise choice. Chapter 7 bankruptcy protects you from your debt and from the harassment of creditors.

General Information:

Chapter 7 gives you the breathing space you need to find a path out of debt. All of your unsecured debt will be discharged, with certain exceptions. The law office of Stamps & Stamps, Attorneys at Law, can help you understand your rights and your obligations related to filing for bankruptcy.

Your Roadmap to Financial Freedom | Dayton Offices: (937) 247-6447 or Toll Free 877-782-6770 | Free Initial Consultation | E-Mail Us

A Way Out of Debt

Bankruptcy lawyer Eric Stamps offers comprehensive debt-relief services . Our law firm has assisted a significant number of clients throughout the Miami Valley and communities and all counties surrounding Dayton in climbing out of debt and into a brighter financial future.

Keep Your Home and Your Car With Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Two common questions that our founding lawyer, Dana Stamps, and his son, Eric Stamps, are asked are:

  • What will I have to give up?
  • What can I keep?

Most of our clients get to keep their belongings. The only thing they give up is their unsecured debt; credit card debt, medical bills and the like. In most cases, clients can prevent home foreclosure and continue to own their car so long as they stay current with mortgage or car loan payments. State and federal laws protect these assets from being taken away from you.

What We Do

Debt liquidation attorney Eric Stamps reviews your financial situation and helps you understand your legal options and whether bankruptcy is the right step for you. We do not just hand you the 30 pages bankruptcy packet and tell you to go fill it out; rather, we help you understand what is being requested of you and how to best compile that information to your advantage.

We also offer free initial consultations with an experienced lawyer so that you can get your questions answered and learn how we can assist you.

ATTORNEY FEES: We have flexible payment plans to fit your financial needs. We start the case for as little as $100.00.

Call Today for Your Free Consultation with a Troy Bankruptcy Attorney

Call our experienced debt-relief law firm at (937) 247-6447 or 877-782-6770. Contact us online. If you cannot make it to either of our law offices during the working day, we can make arrangements to meet with you during the evening or over the weekend. Our two offices are just off of Interstate 75, with the main office just off of I-70 and I-75 at the corner of Little York and Dixie, and our south office is just off 675 and I-75 across from the Dayton Mall.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

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Office Location

Dayton Office:

3814 Little York Road
Dayton, Ohio 45414

PHONE: (937) 247-6447

Toll Free: 877-782-6770 / (877-STAMPS-0)

Text Us: (209) 224-9561

Fax: 937-890-4694

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