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We can provide the guidance you need to get through stressful family
disputes with your rights and interests intact.

Child Custody And Protecting Your Rights

When the couple has children, determining child custody is often the most stressful part of any divorce. The thought of not having your children spend every night under your roof can cause a great deal of stress, causing tempers to flare and disputes to become heated.

At Stamps & Stamps in Dayton, Ohio, our family law attorneys have experience guiding divorcing parents through the child custody process. We place a premium on protecting the children’s best interests while finding solutions that protect your relationships with your children. We can help you understand what will change and how you and your children can adjust.

We Work To Protect Children From Harmful Disputes

Our lawyers believe that children of divorce benefit from there are as little changes for them as possible. That is why they stress the benefits of you and your spouse working together on a plan that you both can live with.

If you and your ex-spouse have shared parenting responsibilities, you will have to continue to work together for years to come. Limiting disputes and not trying to alienate your child from his or her other parent can help children lead more stable lives.

We can help you find agreements that work for every issue, including:

  • Who will make decisions regarding school, extracurriculars, religion and health care
  • How many nights a week the children will spend with each parent
  • Where the children will spend holidays and birthdays
  • How the children will spend summer vacations
  • If parents will be able to take the children on extended trips

Of course, there are instances, such as where abuse or a child’s safety is an issue, where it will be necessary to assert your rights in family court. We will work to gather all of the right evidence to protect your child’s safety and help you pursue sole custody. When possible, we can help you modify a custody arrangement.

Contact Our Attorneys Today To Learn More About Your Parental Rights

Understanding what will happen in regards to child custody can go a long way toward removing stress from the divorce process. If you would like to schedule a free consultation to discuss your questions with our attorneys, call (937) 247-6447 or 877-782-6770 today.

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Office Location

Dayton Office:

3814 Little York Road
Dayton, Ohio 45414

PHONE: (937) 247-6447

Toll Free: 877-782-6770 / (877-STAMPS-0)

Text Us: (937) 265-6418

Fax: 937-890-4694

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