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Baby Food Autism

Baby Food Autism Attorney, OhioToxic Baby Foods Linked To Autism – Was Your Child Affected?

Many of us parents of children with Autism (ASD) have asked this question many times, “What is the cause of my child’s autism?” For some, we may now have the answer.

A recent Congressional Report titled “Baby Foods Are Tainted with Dangerous Levels of Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, and Mercury” showed that 7 major baby food companies sold food to parents for consumption by babies that were known to have dangerous metals in them.

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What Claims Are Being Made In The Baby Food Autism Lawsuits?

Studies show that there are unhealthy amounts of metals in baby foods. These metals include lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury. Additional studies show that metals cause intellectual decline in babies and small children.

What Baby Food Companies Are Included?

The list includes the major baby food companies that most of us trusted to provide safe and nutritious food for our babies.

  1. Beech-Nut
  2. Earth’s Best Organic (Hain Celestial Group)
  3. Gerber
  4. HappyBABY (Nurture)
  5. Parent’s Choice (Walmart)
  6. Plum Organics (Campbell Soup Company)
  7. Sprout Foods

What Companies Are Being Sued In The Baby Food Autism Lawsuits?

  1. Beech-Nut
  2. Gerber
  3. Hain Celestial Group(EARTH’S BEST ORGANIC)
  5. Plum(Plum Organics)
  6. Sprout Foods
  7. Walmart(PARENTS CHOICE)

How Do I Know If My Child’s Autism Or ADHD Is Caused By These Baby Foods?

Usually, the child is developing fine until about 1.5 to 2 years old. At that time, the parent(s) usually notice negative changes in the child. The child must have been fed the baby food regularly and the child must have a diagnosis of Autism or ASD.

Are The Baby Food Autism Lawsuits A Class Action?

The lawsuits are filed individually but hearing are scheduled to determine how the courts are going to proceed with all the cases. Likely, they will be consolidated into a Multi-District Litigation(MDL).

What Should I Do If I Suspect My Child’s Autism Or ADHD Was Caused By Baby Food?

Contact us immediately so that we can help your child, you, and your family.

The Dangers Of Exposure To These Toxic Metals

The report concluded: “Exposure to toxic heavy metals causes permanent decreases in IQ, diminished future economic productivity, and increased risk of future criminal and antisocial behavior in children. Toxic heavy metals endanger infant neurological development and long-term brain function.” Multiple studies have linked these toxic metals ingested by babies to Autism. The rate children with Autism has skyrocketed.

When To Contact Us If You Have A Child With Autism And Feed Him Or Her One Or More Of These Baby Foods!

Immediately. Time is limited to file a claim. Cases have been filed and are currently pending. Reach out to us for a questionnaire so that we are able to determine if you qualify to file a claim.

What Are The Requirements Of The Family?

Cooperation. Most of the work is handled by the legal team. The family usually has little time devoted to the case. The legal team handles the case so you can focus your time on therapies and doing what you love.

What Damages Are Sought?

Medical cost, lost economic ability, future living and medical cost, other

Do These Cases Generally Settle Or Do Most Go To Trial?

Most settle.

The manufacturers usually understand the vast cost of having thousands of trials and jury verdicts so they want to reach a settlement.

If I Can’t Afford To Pay A Lawyer, Will You Still Help Me?

Of course. We are here to help people and our fees are based upon winning for you and your family.

What Sets Your Firm Apart In Handling These Cases?

As a father of an autistic son, I understand your situation and will fight to hold the manufacturers accountable. We care about each client and family. We will turn over every stone looking for the best outcome for you and your family. You can be confident you’re in good hands.

Useful Information

Eric A. Stamps, Stamps & Stamps Attorneys at Law. Phone: (937) 247-6447 www.BabyFoodAutismAttorneys.com

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