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We are your advocates in difficult times to ensure that your rights and all
that you treasure are protected, so you can concentrate on recovery.

Auto Accident

Dayton, Ohio Auto Accident Lawyer

If you are injured in an auto accident, motorcycle crash, or semi-truck collision or rollover, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, permanent injuries, emotional distress, and pain and suffering.

At the law firm of Stamps & Stamps, our Dayton, Ohio auto accident lawyers have obtained millions of dollars in compensation for people who have been injured in motor vehicle accidents. We also pursue wrongful death lawsuits for family members.

Our Ohio auto accident lawyers provide personal service and attention to each client. We are willing to handle difficult cases, including cases in which our client received a ticket. Our auto accident lawyers don’t just look at the surface of the auto accident. If we believe you have a good case, we will work harder and investigate deeper to help you obtain compensation.

We have been able to prove in some cases that the police officer was wrong in ticketing our client.

Know Your Legal Rights

While our injury lawyers settle the vast majority of auto accident cases, we are willing to go to trial to fight for you. Being willing and able to try cases is necessary to get you the compensation you deserve. If the insurance company knows that your lawyer does nothing but settle cases, they will fight you every step of the way.

Contingency Fee Representation

We handle auto accident personal injury cases on either an hourly or a contingency fee basis. Under the contingency fee basis, our attorney fee will be a percentage of your gross settlement. Unlike some other auto accident firms, we charge no monthly maintenance fees, phone, copying or other fees when we represent clients under the contingency fee system. We will provide you detailed information about legal costs during your free, initial consultation.

Home, Hospital, Evening & Weekend appointments available

Free Initial Consultation: Contact a Dayton, Ohio auto accident lawyer at Stamps & Stamps.

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Office Location

Dayton Office:

3814 Little York Road
Dayton, Ohio 45414

PHONE: (937) 247-6447

Toll Free: 877-782-6770 / (877-STAMPS-0)

Text Us: (209) 224-9561

Fax: 937-890-4694

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